Welcome to The Dark Wob

Please let us know why you're here and if you know how to use a 3/8th Gripely to ream your trunnions square....
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Welcome to The Dark Wob

Post by Hooli »

Please start a thread and tell us why you're here in our corner of the internet and something about yourselves....

If you know how to line bore a crankcase by hand using just a spoon & several sheets of wallpaper we'd love to know about. If not tell us something else even if it doesn't involve spoons.

Forum rules are -

1) New users need to make 1 post in the sections they can see before the rest of the forum is opened up to you and you gain the right to PM other members. Currently this single post requires moderator approval before it appears, we've done this due to the amount of spambots we've had registering lately, so apologies to genuine new members who may find it annoying.

b) Don't be a twat, or if you are expect abuse. We don't moderate here, so just act like an adult & you'll be fine.

iii) Don't ask about these bullet points.

Finally, not a rule just information. If you create an account with a fake email, you'll never get the verification link so won't be able to sign in. The account will get deleted at some point when I tidy up all the attempted spam accounts too, as I just delete everything that's never logged in or has never posted. Also if you never post you're likely to get caught in the tidy up of spam accounts with zero posts, so say hello!
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